Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tips to Keeping Shoes Forever

Hi you all!  Today we are going to give you all some amazing tips on how to make your shoes last! You guys brought the best of the best, and broke the bank on those pair you just had to bless your closer with them. Are you ready for it? I know you all want to learn how to make those expensive shoes last as long as they are worth. It’s only right! So enough teasing, we’re going to give you all tips for men and women shoes. I know I know, it’s too much wonderfulness for you guys to handle.  But prepare yourself for the top 5.

Tip 1: The simplest and most valuable way to protect your shoes from…just life is to replace the bottom sole and use heel caps before they even touch the pavement. The sole adds grip to the shoe, less slips and falls. Guys this also applies to you but more remember to replace your sole when needed. The heel cap protects the heel from wearing down too soon. Also from those deadly cracks in sideways. I know I have scraped a good amount of heels from those never failing cracks.

Tip 2: You guys and gals aren’t ready for this one, I already know. Magic Eraser’s you know the one’s from Mr. Clean, yes the bald guy. Those are great for removing stains from light colored shoes. BUT use them as soon as you see the stain heels, sneakers, or flats. Mr. Clean might be able to revitalize your shoes. A quick way to avoid the petty stains all together is to remember to waterproof your shoes, very simple and very useful.

Tip 3:  If you really want your shoes to last and be just as wonderful as the day they were dusted off and put on display, KEEP THE BOX. Or at the VERY least the shoe bag. The box is the bed for the shoes and the bag is the blanket. You can have one without the other, but why? Leave enough space between them so they aren’t squished and can breathe. Keep out of direct sunlight so the color doesn’t fade.

Tip 4: Fix problems as soon as they happen! No really as soon as it happened, stains, broken heel or seam, or messed up sole anything. Treat it as a wound, the sooner the better. You can’t be too soon, but you can be too late when it comes to certain wear and tear. So just be aware of the warnings signs of your shoes.

Tip 5: For the modern day gentleman, remember to polish your shoes on a regular to keep the supple, shiny, and a bit water resistant. Shoetrees are great for retaining the shape of your shoe it also stops the creasing from daily wear. Those are much better for the gentl

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