Friday, May 29, 2015

Shoes caught in the rain? Tips to fix them

Summer is a time of hot weather and short shorts and high heels. Some summer days can include rain clouds and thunder. Now, what to do when you get caught in the rain unprepared?  Take cover and run towards the nearest awning. After you've run and frolicked in the rain, your shoes are most likely soaked. It happens to the best of us. Instead of taking the lost for a “ruined” pair of shoes, whether suede or not, lets learn how to dry them properly. Keeping them as fabulous as the say the day you bought them.

First thing is to take out the insole of the shoe. If dirty give it a spin in the washing machine, let them hang them until dry. NO DRYER! No part of your shoe needs to meet the dryer

Water damage leather shoes-

Wash away any dirt or mud off the shoe by hand. Take a stiff brush and clean everything off of them. If it's mud, you might have to dab and then wipe them down with a rag first, and then really use the brush to get inside of the nooks and crannies
Now this next tip may surprise you. Newspaper is a great absorbent.
Get a newspaper wad it up into smaller pieces and then stuff it into your shoes. The newspaper will draw out any moisture in your shoes and attempt to save them.

PLEASE leave the dryer alone on this whole process it will not speed anything up. Not even putting it next to the vent while the heat is one will help. You will just ruin a good pair of shoes. If all else fails when cleaning your sneakers, the washing machine is great for a quick spin.
For heavy stains on suede footwear, use a suede eraser/ cleaning block. Rub them across the surface of the shoe; it is great for deep stains.

Now you can run in the rain as much as you want. Be sure to let us know any other ways you quick fixed your water damage shoes. Please leave comments and questions; we would love to hear from you. If you found any better ways to dry your shoes let us know!

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